SOTYKTU was generally well tolerated, with <3% of patients discontinuing treatment due to AEs between Weeks 0–161–4
SmPC list of AEs1
Adapted from SOTYKTU SmPC.
Frequencies are defined as: very common ( 1/10); common (≥1/100 to <1/10); uncommon (≥1/1,000 to <1/100); rare
(≥1/10,000 to <1/1,000); very rare (<1/10,000); not known (cannot be estimated from the available data).1
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- The most commonly reported AE with SOTYKTU was upper respiratory infections (18.9%)1
- Between 0 and 52 Weeks, 4.6% of patients discontinued SOTYKTU (32/692) due to an AE, vs. 16.3% with apremilast (26/160)4
*Upper respiratory infections include nasopharyngitis, upper respiratory tract infection, viral upper respiratory tract infection, pharyngitis, sinusitis, acute sinusitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis, peritonsillar abscess, laryngitis, tracheitis, and rhinotrachetitis.
†Herpes simplex infections include oral herpes, herpes simplex, genital herpes, and herpes viral infection.
‡Oral ulcers include aphthous ulcer, mouth ulceration, tongue ulceration, and stomatitis.
**Acneiform rash includes acne, dermatitis acneiform, rash, rosacea, pustule, rash pustular, and papule.
AE, adverse event; SmPC, Summary of Product Characteristics.
Rates of serious infections with SOTKTU4
Serious infection AEs with SOTYKTU
Adapted from the SOTYKTU EPAR.
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Controlled safety pool:
Includes events with a start date between the first dose and +30 days post last dose or upon rollover into the PSO-LTE (IM011075):
- Includes data from PSO-1 (IM011046) and PSO-2 (IM011047)
- SOTYKTU exposure period (treatment duration Week 0-52): includes subjects treated with SOTYKTU at any time. This includes subjects randomised to SOTYKTU at Week 0, or switched from placebo to SOTYKTU at Week 16, or switched from apremilast to SOTYKTU at
Week 24
Phase 3 safety pool:
Includes events with a start date between the first dose and +30 days post last dose date (discontinued subjects) or through safety cut-off date:
- Includes subjects who were assigned to SOTYKTU in PSO-1 (IM011046), PSO-2 (IM011047, and the PSO-LTE (IM011075) (safety cut-off date = 15 July 2021)
AE, adverse event; LTE, long-term extension.
- SOTYKTU. Summary of Product Characteristics.
- Armstrong A et al. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2023;88(1):29–39. Plus supplementary material.
- Strober B et al. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2023;88(1):40–51. Plus supplementary material.
- SOTYKTU. European Product Assessment Report (EPAR). 26 January 2023. Available at (Accessed August 2023).